Recently got new laptop, a cheap but not too bad performance, Dell Inspiron 1410. I've wiped its preinstalled 8.04 LTS with Lucid, then loaded it with Leo 10.5.2, upgraded to 10.5.8. First and the only problem was the famous blank LCD.
After installation process, I got the usual apple boot logo, blue screen, and blank, while I could hear the video and background sound for the first installment welcome. No idea what to do, I just got something else to do on my AAO. For about 15 min later, unintentionally I click the power button of the Dell, of course my purpose was to force shutdown by holdin the button long enough. But for my surprise, its LCD goes normal, and I continue to fill some forms. Googling bring me to the famous X3100 sleep trick, sleep kernel, etc. Forum, milis, give me some solutions, one is to use some modified kexts, other with DSDT, and another with EFI string.
Some experiments, and the result is the perfect desktop for everyday works. Good. The main things to note are that I use chameleon patch to load DSDT.aml, and some modified kexts. I don't know with the vanilla kexts plus DSDT, it was said just works, but dunno yet. For my case, the vanilla kernel is working properly. All hardwares recognized, bluetooth, ethernet, sound card, my sierra modem, except the wireless card, I guess it is atheros, but the kext just can't be loaded.
2 tanggapan:
waw mac gteatest
absolutely, too bad it's hackintosh anyway .. :(
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