27 March 2010

Ubuntu Couple

Well, almost 4 months we've been using Ubuntu Karmic Koala, mainly in our tiny cheap Intel powered machine, ie Eee PC 900 (Intel Celeron) and AOA110L (Intel Atom). Ubuntu was the best OS for these little machine so far, at least until the 9.04 version (Jaunty). As I myself am an up-to-date guy, so every 5-6 month my ritual is doing apt-get dist-upgrade, for my AOA. After tryng the latest beta/rc version and found it stable enough, I then did a fresh install into my wife's Eee PC.

For these weeks, I often use my Hackintosh to do some works and fun, while in my wife's Eee PC, karmic is the ultimate OS of choice, she left windows XP far behind. Yes, my wife used Ubuntu already, for almost two years now. Beginning with some troubles with Xp viruses and badware, hd space junks, you know, Eee PC 900 only has 4+16 Gig of space, so every byte counts! Started with Ubuntu 8.10, OpenOffice 3.0, Dia, PSPP, XAMPP, Wine as hub for SPSS, WinQSB, EpiInfo, Arcview, MindMap, and so on, and even some native Windows programs run better in Wine. Continue to Ubuntu 9.04, all happy story. As she took a magister class, she is now a power user already, while her friends, and some of my friends just know very little about linux. Even worse, most of them have null knowledge about it.

Some problems occured, and some of them resolved by some tweaking and hacking, e.g repeating asks password for mounting [internal] partition and using wvdial instead of nm-applet, as nm-applet failed give me the proper DNS. Some problems still remain, such as no warning about critical  battery, mis-behave i915 modeset, some apps crashed, etc.

Not so long ago, I've updated my AOA into lucid alpha. The performance significantly increased, with the latest 2.6.32 kernel, and the most impressive is the OpenOffice 3.2. Opening document is now alot faster than before. Klik on OOo icon, you count 1,2,3,4,5, and OOo ready to go. YMMV, though. I plan to install it to my wife's Eee PC, but I have to wait until it's finally released (in 04-2010), so it means less than a month, because the release usually is near the end of the month.

So, migrating to Linux is not so hard, as long as you have a geek or two behind you to ask, and if you don't have, just keep on googling, or much better, join the [ubuntu] forum.

As in my wife's case, the biggest problem of Ubuntu/Linux world is the apps. Formatting document, printing something, editing simple image, sometimes needs more than a full day to resolve. She said that the most frustating thing is formatting layout. OpenOffice has all the required tool, but sometimes just behave so strange, like inconsistent bullet form, space, tabulation, etc. I believe that those problems won't be exist if we stick to standard form/layout. Hard to manage cross reference, lay outing end-note, etc., etc. I myself rarely use Office apps, so I just suggested some useless clue. Anyway, she sticks on Linux, no matter how hard the OO was. Good.

Is this something to be proud of? Sure. Here, linux users are minority. Woman linux user? I've never met, except her.

0 tanggapan: