Me just overload, and I think my head exploded itno pieces. A big project with no (lot of) time, while it so complex and too tricky (and two heavy tasks in the same time). You, know, we talk about web programming here, esp. php and friends. I combine php with (lots of) js to enforce easy (easier) input for massive data entry.
Yesterday (6 jan 2006) we saw the sytem in RSUD Kartini. Wow, what a design! You who ever take RPL course or what, maybe laugh when you see the db scheme. I just wonder, how could a programmer design like that. Or maybe I myself not so smart to design. So, I'm 68% sure we can win the project. But wait, the recent project unfinished yet, and full of crock.
This day I just sleep all day long, and just out to write these. Guys, if you think you can help me, actually I need a programmer or two, to help me. But, I need a good one, not a student who study to write hello world or what. At least you know how to code in php, js and css, and must important, you used to use sum(if(bla bla)) expressions and cross tabular queries (join is a must!) in mysql, and familiar also with sqlite and/or postgresql! You must be able to code in a flash time, but no (much) money for you! Can you? (Will you?)
Umm, forget it.
Perjuangan Panjang "Menyelamatkan Ibu, Bayi dan Balita"
Waduh .. Cukup lama saya nggak menulis di blog ini, kangen juga :)
Sore menjelang maghrib tiba-tiba ada pesen via BB ada yang koment di blog
ini dari Anoni...
11 years ago
4 tanggapan:
jangan lupa makan-makan kalo sudah selesai. :)
he heh, piye hasile bandungan?
wah ngebajak sawah nang njeporo yo..yen pas neng jpr maen2 tho bos nang nggonku?
eh, let me make link to ur blog yo..?
hasilnya ya begitu..
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