07 May 2009

Leopard 10.5.6 On AspireOne Cool! Finally!


After 3 days full of struggle, I finally now today successfully resolve (nearly) all problems I found on my AAO with Leopard 10.5.6. I did combo update from Kalyway 10.5.2 by using officially DMG from Apple.com, but I'm using voodoo kernel 9.5.0, because the stock kernel gave me a lot of trouble.

Sound, USB, Battery meter, WiFI (Yes, frens, my wifi is now working, with KisMAC hack of course).

FYI, use these keywords to resolve most of hardware issue: AAO_SbM_OSX_1056_Pack, IOUSBFamily.kext, IOUSBFamilyPCGen. As I'm too exited, I can't write what the steps yet, but here some pics for ya:

0 tanggapan: