19 March 2009

Installing XP tablet on Toshiba Portege 3500 (read: old laptop), without cd-rom, pcmcia, ufd, etc

A friend of mine [http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1095844680] has difficulty to install his portege 3500 with Win XP tablet, because he doesn't have any PCMCIA card for cd-rom or external HDD. I provided my external USB DVD, but it can't boot from USB, it event didn't recognise external USB anyhow. We've tried many ways [like installing WinXP via another laptop, choose second hdd as target, but when it moved into the original portege, it didn't boot], but still no luck, until I found a new way. Here's the howto:

  1. Find any linux machine with qemu installed.
  2. Find (original) WinXP master CD.
  3. Find any USB2IDE, for mounting portege's hdd into the #1 machine.
  4. Find DOS iso, for example DOS71 install cd or FreeDOS install cd.
  5. Fire up qemu with the command: qemu -cdrom DOS71.iso -hda /dev/sdb -boot d [ENTER], change DOS71.iso with your own dos iso, and sdb with your external hdd (find out via dmesg command form console).
  6. Just follow the steps to install DOS
  7. Finish installing DOS, mount hdd, and copy folder i386 from WinXP master CD into, say, C drive. Here we have 2 discs, because it's WinXP Tablet edition
  8. Unmount external hdd, then remove hdd from USB2IDE, and put back the hdd into portege.
  9. Boot portege with DOS installed. Go to folder i386 which have been copied before, and run winnt.exe
  10. Wait the installation process, it takes about 2 hours or more.
So, to make the long story short,all we need is just install DOS first, and then install WInXP from DOS. The problem here is the portege itself cannot boot from USB external media, it just boots from PCMCIA, so we need Qemu to install DOS.

2 tanggapan:

Anonymous said...

great and simple indeed!!!
Hope it works as great and simply!!!


linux enthusiast

solie said...

yea, again linux saves the day!