Basically, AAO 110 and AAO 150 are the same, except the later has bigger capacity of drive, because it uses SATA harddisk, while the first uses SSD (slow SSD, differ from Eee's SSD, which is rather faster). Indeed, even on slow SSD, my Ubuntu ME (Intrepid) run fast enough for coding or something, so why must I care for capacity?
The answer is I'm cool, dude :). Second, it's cheap. Third, it just a matter of soldering some wires into MB, and connecting R points to make the voltage higher enough to power the SATA HDD.
I bought AAO 110 for only Rp 3900000, or about 400 USD, while AAO 150 costs Rp 4900000 or about 500 USD (six months ago). I've try to install Xp and Iatkos, but the performance was so bad, way too slow, just not like my wife's Eee 900 (only has Dothan CPU and (4+8) Gig of SSD).
Yesterday I just bought SATA HDD 160 Gig for only Rp 540.000, or about 56 USD. My plan was to make it as external storage. By accident, I found an AspireOne hack from russia, that hack was successfully replace the slow SSD with the fast SATA HDD 2.5"! My AAO is now 3900000+540000, or Rp 4440000, or precisely Rp 4450000, 10000 for SATA connector cables (data dan power cables). So, the cost for soldering and dissassembling is about Rp 450000. Come here, fren, I can do that for you too, with that cost of course :p
So, making external storage was history, and now, it's become my main storage.....
Clear enough to read that my disk is now Fujitsu 160 Gig, yay!
Here's the inspiring link:
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