It happened again. When I read Bu Kek Siansu series on my moto, the battery alerts on its low stage, so I replace it with the other one. I turn the phone on, but nothing happen. It just shows me there's an error on startup program and just hangs.
So, it must be flashed again. Ok, no problemo. But now the PC itself has the problem. I dunno why, I think it because of virus or any trojan. when I fire up multiflexflash, in the middle way, it stops and windoze tell me to send or not the problem. What a crock. I suspect it's because of one of the libs crash with the PST patch, but a fewa month ago it just all right.
Then I turn all services off, and one by one I turn it on, while I run multiflexflash. After many trial, I succeeded. And now my moto live again!
Perjuangan Panjang "Menyelamatkan Ibu, Bayi dan Balita"
Waduh .. Cukup lama saya nggak menulis di blog ini, kangen juga :)
Sore menjelang maghrib tiba-tiba ada pesen via BB ada yang koment di blog
ini dari Anoni...
11 years ago
2 tanggapan:
Weleh..weleh..di flash terus bang...dadi gosong mengko..dol wae!opo daripadanya gak kanggo dan semestinya daripadanya ga bisa ato daripadanya *aiyah* rusak mending kek'ke aku wae...heheheh:-P
whatta ...
good sugestion, but no one will do that
kabare piye, don, sakses???
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